About Course
Learn Hands-on Practical JavaScript Development with : JavaScript|React|Node|Angular
What Will You Learn?
- Build application structure with HTML
- Introduction to Some JavaScript Frameworks
- Apply CSS to application
- Create interaction with JavaScript
- Create and use variables
- Deploying project to internet via Heroku
- Project Create ChatApp with Angular and Firebase
- React Project Create a Static Tweet Component
Course Content
Introduction to Some JavaScript Frameworks
What is Express.js
introduction to HTML
What is HTML
02:36 -
Text Editors
07:17 -
Planning a website build
01:44 -
Choosing assets
04:07 -
Creating folder structure
09:17 -
Anatomy of HTML Element
03:10 -
Basic structure of HTML Document
09:17 -
Creating HTML Document
09:17 -
Creating HTML Document Structure – Part 1
06:03 -
Creating HTML Document -Part 2
06:50 -
Creating HTML Document Structure – Part 3
10:40 -
The source code
06:06 -
HTML Attriutes
06:09 -
Marking Up Text
08:22 -
Creating Links
07:53 -
Adding comments
Introduction to CSS
What is CSS
06:05 -
Ways of applying CSS
11:10 -
Adding style to multiple properties
02:38 -
Styling multiple elements.
02:58 -
How to modify CSS
05:00 -
CSS Selectors
09:19 -
CSS Comments
04:58 -
CSS Box Model.
03:50 -
CSS Margin and Padding
10:49 -
032 Changing background color
04:13 -
Using CSS Border Property
07:12 -
Positioning and Styling.
06:55 -
Using CSS Display Property
07:50 -
Using Google fonts
JavaScript Basics
JavaScript Syntax
03:05 -
JavaScript Variables
08:17 -
Variable naming convention
03:47 -
Data Types
10:58 -
Using Operators
01:22 -
Arithmetic Operators
06:43 -
Assignment Operators
03:56 -
Operator precedence
04:34 -
String operators
04:28 -
Comparison operators
07:35 -
Logical operators
03:46 -
07:49 -
Conditional Statements
06:24 -
08:22 -
Code comments
Getting Started with Node.js
Installing Node.js
04:31 -
05:00 -
Installing sublimetext editor
04:18 -
NPM Commands
03:24 -
Global Objects
02:43 -
Asynchronous vs Synchronous
10:50 -
Asynchronous vs Synchronous EventListeners
04:10 -
Event and Emitters
04:05 -
Example Event Emiter
04:21 -
06:20 -
Components of Node.js Application
07:40 -
Creating your first Node.js Application
11:25 -
Modules and Packages
11:10 -
Installing and using third-party packages
Using Express.js
Installing Express.js
07:06 -
Creating a Simple Express App
09:21 -
Express Application Generator
06:16 -
Creating an App with Express Generator
09:37 -
08:40 -
Understanding Apps.js
10:22 -
Editing Dependencies
06:13 -
Using Templates Engines with Express
01:06 -
Starting Nodes Server
03:33 -
Stopping The Nodes Server
01:23 -
What is Routing
03:32 -
How Routing Works
07:06 -
Cloning Routing Functions
Using the FS Module
What is the FS Module
04:46 -
Reading files
12:45 -
Listing files
06:44 -
Writing files
07:20 -
Appending files
05:39 -
Creating Directories
06:38 -
Renaming Directories
04:51 -
Deleting files
06:42 -
What Are Streams
01:38 -
Reading From Streams
09:26 -
Piping Streams
09:10 -
Writing to Streams
Project Creating a Node.js Chat Application
Creating a Package.json File
06:18 -
Installing Web Framework
03:14 -
Creating The App Engine
10:18 -
Refactoring the Route Handler
03:23 -
Creating The View
05:46 -
Integrating Socket.io
08:03 -
Editing Index.html
05:50 -
Emitting Events
13:03 -
Broadcasting From The Server
Deploying project to internet via Heroku
What is Heroku
01:43 -
Creating Heroku User Account
02:52 -
Installing Heroku CLI
04:26 -
Editing Index.js
05:13 -
Initializing Git and Deploying App
08:30 -
Getting Started with Angular.js
Angular Terminology
04:01 -
MVC Architecture
03:15 -
What is MV
04:27 -
Installing Angular CLI
04:22 -
What is Git
04:09 -
Installing Git
06:02 -
Configuring Git
06:12 -
Using Git-Help
04:07 -
What is Github
02:21 -
Create GitHub Account
03:15 -
Create A New Angular Project
04:08 -
09:23 -
Components Part 2
05:23 -
04:28 -
Defining External Templates
02:16 -
Using Interpolation
04:50 -
Using NG For Directives
04:59 -
Using Conditional Statements
08:00 -
Property Binding
05:23 -
Event Binding
10:41 -
Defining CSS
06:54 -
CSS Class Binding
10:02 -
Creating a Service
05:54 -
Using a Service
04:51 -
Using Services in Components
08:57 -
Setting Up Animations
03:39 -
Activating Animation Component
05:39 -
Animating States and Styles
08:16 -
Attaching Animation to Templates
Project Create ChatApp with Angular and Firebase
What We Will Create
02:33 -
What is Firebase
01:31 -
Firebase Free Plan
02:00 -
Create a New Firebase Project
05:24 -
Setup Authentication Method
03:40 -
Setup Firebase Database Rules
03:49 -
Create a New Angular App
04:44 -
Install Project Dependencies
03:52 -
Starting Server and Testing App
06:44 -
Installing Angularfire2
02:58 -
Adding Firebase Project Settings
06:01 -
Creating a Chat Component
06:00 -
Adding Dependency Injection
07:02 -
Preparing Component to Display Chats
08:12 -
Updating The View
09:08 -
Updating Firebase Database Rules
03:01 -
Updating The Component Logic
03:43 -
Testing and Sending Real-time Messages
03:50 -
Adding CSS
11:05 -
Deleting Messages
01:52 -
Requirements For Deployment
02:27 -
Creating a Production Build
05:49 -
Deploying Your App For Free
11:06 -
Tips To Improve App
Getting started with React.js
What is React-DOM
01:25 -
What is Babel
02:51 -
What is the DOM
04:45 -
ReactDOM Vs VirtualDOM
03:21 -
Accessing React via CDN
07:25 -
Installing and Uninstalling NPM Global Packages
03:39 -
Installing Create -React-app Tool
03:56 -
Create a Sample React App
05:12 -
New React App Folder Structure
11:09 -
06:26 -
Conditional Rendering
05:29 -
Installing React Developer Tools
03:50 -
What Is A Constructor
04:35 -
What Is A Class
04:40 -
Arrow Functions
04:14 -
Const Keyword
Introduction to JSX
Introduction to JSX
04:08 -
What is JSX
06:33 -
Embedding Expressions in JSX
07:37 -
Using JSX as an Expression
04:11 -
Using Child Elements in JSX
03:04 -
Nesting JSX Elements
06:27 -
Adding Comments to JSX
03:17 -
Handling Events
React Components
What are Components
04:53 -
Creating React Components
07:45 -
Creating a React Component in ES6
06:07 -
What are PROPS
08:24 -
What is a State
02:53 -
Converting a Function to a Class
06:01 -
Adding a State to a Class
08:07 -
Component Life Cycle
React Project Create a Static Tweet Component
Sketching Your Components
03:23 -
Creating a New React Project
05:34 -
Exploring Project Files and Folders
06:34 -
Modifying Files
08:38 -
Creating The Avatar Component
06:21 -
Creating More Components
07:33 -
Creating Time and Button Components
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